Mars Enters Pisces

Mars enters Pisces at exactly 10:06 pm CDT on April 14th and will stay in Pisces until May 24th. With Mars now in a mutable water sign, we will be much more successful when focusing our actions on the intangible, going with our instincts rather than reason. 

Mars in Pisces wants us to act out of faith. What would you do if you knew it would work out? What actions would you take if you didn’t have to explain yourself? What do you want to do just because you believe in it? We are often discouraged from taking action based on intuition, instinct, or gut feeling because we are told that action without reason can not be successful. But according to astrology, this simply is untrue. Mars has no debility in Pisces and actually has a little dignity here, so it’s clear that we can be entirely fortunate if we go with our instincts and intuition. Trust yourself more!

Mars’ first connection is on May 3rd with Uranus. Go with the flow, and embrace unexpected events or new ways of doing things.

Then on the 6th, Mars connects with the Sun. Do something inspiring or look for a chance to be more artistic.

On May 17th Mars joins Neptune. The energy may be confusing and require some delicate handling, so if an action feels positive, take a leap of faith, but consider where your motivations stem from first.

Then on the 22nd, Mars connects with Pluto. Find a way to do something for others in a big way. This is also an excellent time to do charitable or humanitarian work. 

Finally, Mars connects with a retrograde Mercury on the 23rd. Say something that needs to be said sensitively but clearly. This is also a great moment to act on something you’ve previously expressed.

There is a huge difference between knowing and understanding; sometimes, we focus too much on knowing when understanding is really all we need. I hope we can honor our subconscious mind over the next six weeks and give it the respect it deserves. Rely on your own wisdom, truth. And if you get stuck, remember the heart of the matter and move towards it.