Mercury Enters Pisces

Mercury enters Pisces on March 9th at exactly 7:32 pm CST and will stay here until March 27th. Mentally we should shift our focus towards bringing more warmth and compassion in our thoughts and the way we speak. Previously, when Mercury was in Aquarius, we were trying to gain clarity by widening our perspective. Now, we should aim to be more giving and generous, be more open and welcoming when it concerns our minds.

Communication is a powerful tool that we can yield for good or bad. Every time we communicate, we are making choices that could either heal or harm the other person - for example, are we going to ask this question kindly, will we consider how this person prefers to be spoken to, etc. The different ways we could communicate each lead to potentially different outcomes. It’s a huge responsibility! Let us use this power for good - to increase the amount of peace and happiness in the world, so communicate mindfully by making very conscious choices.

Mercury makes a lot of significant connections over the next three weeks. First, on March 16th, it connects with Uranus, so look for a chance to be receptive to what someone is telling you or to turn the conversation towards more understanding.

Next, on the 20th, Mercury joins Jupiter. This is an excellent time to communicate something compassionately or discuss a potentially sensitive or delicate topic.

Mercury also joins Neptune on March 23rd. This is an ideal time to meditate, listen to music, or be creative. Also, make sure you listen to your intuition around this time.

Finally, on the 25th, Mercury connects with Pluto. Find an opportunity to talk about an important but sensitive matter. We may also receive a deep insight around this time.

In many cultures and spiritual practices, there is similar importance placed around the concept of deep listening. Deep listening is when we completely subvert our ego and are entirely present and aware while someone else is speaking. Let us receive others and truly hear what they are saying. It is a beautiful gift to give someone.