Venus Enters Aquarius

Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th at exactly 12:30 am CST. Finally, after four long months, Venus says goodbye to Capricorn. There was a lot of serious, heavy energy in our relationships, and we learned a few hard lessons during that time, but I think we are all ready to move on! Thankfully, we are entering a lighter, more stimulating period.

Mental connection plays a huge role in our relationships, but many of us don’t prioritize it even though it is the most successful way to deepen our bonds and secure our connections with each other. Remember, our friends, family, romantic partners can not read out minds - we have to use our words if we want people to know how we feel and understand us. So let’s do more talking, discussing, and asking questions. Yes, sometimes actions speak louder than words, but words really help!

Things get started right away on the 6th when Venus joins Mars. This may be a moment for commitment or just taking a significant step forward in a relationship. We also may be better able to envision where we see our relationships heading.

Venus connects with Chiron on the 18th. Seize a chance to be emotionally honest or straightforward in a relationship.

Also, on the 18th, Venus squares off with Uranus. Tension surrounding a relationship or financial situation may become stressful. Work on being flexible and adjusting matters so that you feel more secure.

Finally, on March 28th, Venus joins Saturn. Take time to see what in your relationships needs working on and how you can move forward. This is also an ideal time to commit to someone, especially long-term. (March 27th between 6 pm and 12 am is a precisely perfect time FYI!)

Venus in Aquarius understands that a lack of awareness or clearness in our relationships causes us a lot of needless suffering. Ideally, they shouldn’t be confusing or deceptive! So notice what relationships rise to the top over the next four weeks and prioritize connections based on clarity and those with who you see a future.