Mercury Direct in Taurus

Mercury will station direct in Taurus at exactly 3 am CDT on Friday, June 3rd. This retrograde has definitely been a lot for us! It started with a huge send-off in Gemini, which caused tons of delays, glitches, and miscommunication. Then by the time, it re-entered Taurus, we were completely fed up with some situations in our lives. I personally did a massive amount of reflecting and reframed a few situations that weren’t feeling right. Sometimes we need to see things in a new light.

It is a good practice to note what comes up during Mercury retrograde and then go back later when Mercury is direct, and consider how you see what you wrote down now - especially if you’ve had a significant shift of perspective. Mercury is the trickster planet, you can’t always trust it with the truth, and we all know our minds can deceive us. 

We should also exercise caution for another reason - Mercury is still slow and won’t return to its normal speed until June 11th. Ideally, hold off starting anything important until after that date, but if you can’t, make sure you double-check everything and really consider matters carefully.

The only planetary connection Mercury has left in Taurus happens on June 10th when it connects pleasantly with Pluto. Release old attitudes and perspectives that no longer feel accurate. There may be an even greater tendency for us to feel sure about how we see matters, so keep this in mind and don’t be excessively overconfident.

We may have found clarity during this retrograde, but now that Mercury is in Taurus, I am concerned that we may be too dogmatic about our newfound realizations. Mentally we are exhausted, and we are becoming fixed in our perspective, which can be a dangerous combination. If you find yourself obstinate in your thinking, remember to relax a little. Mercury will be returning to Gemini soon, so don’t put yourself into a position you can’t get out of later.