Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius

Saturn will station retrograde in Aquarius on June 4th at exactly 4:47 pm CDT. Saturn will continue its retrograde motion until October 22nd. These next four months will force us to re-assess where we are putting our effort and how effectively we use intellectualness.

If we consider retrogrades as the planet doing an audit of itself, Saturn does some of its best work while retrograde. It loves making us go about matters correctly and keeping us in line, so Saturn is kind of in its element here. If we can find a way to embrace learning difficult lessons, we may get a lot out of the next four months. But if not, we may find ourselves stagnating, wondering why we feel left behind.

Remember, this retrograde is in Aquarius. Think about it - it’s an air sign ruled by Saturn. And what does Aquarius want for us about all else? Wisdom! It wants us to be thoughtful! Serious! Informed! Many of us know we could be better, but aren’t making self-improvement a priority. The consequences of these choices may come around during this retrograde. Step outside of this moment and see your life as an entire journey - where are you right now on its path? How far have you come? What may lie ahead for you? Zoom out, see yourself in a new light.

These next four months are an ideal opportunity to notice where we could do better, or where we could perfect our execution. Have you made mistakes? Of course you have. But a mistake is a lot less of a mistake if you learn from it. And it's even less of a mistake if you apply what you’ve learned. So keep going, keep developing. As a Zen master once said, you are perfect as you are, but you could use a little improving.