Venus Enters Cancer

Venus enters Cancer on July 17th at exactly 8:32 pm CDT and will stay here until August 11th. After focusing on mental connections and communicating when Venus was in Gemini, we now shift to concentrating on our emotional bonds with others and being more tender in our relationships. 

Venus in Cancer asks us not to shy away from being vulnerable in our relationships, and that can be a very difficult task. Vulnerability rests on the faith that if we open up, we won’t get hurt or taken advantage of. Many of us, unfortunately, have had the opposite occur, so, understandably, we would rather just avoid it, sometimes at all costs. Nevertheless, we need to try. Because it’s only when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable that we find the emotional connection our relationships require to move forward and move deeper.

Venus’ first connection happens on July 24th when it squares off with Jupiter. We may be pushed to take an emotional risk or be more adventurous in a relationship, but avoid overdoing it or going too far.

Then on July 31st, Venus squares off with Chiron. Sensitivities in relationships will be heightened. Don’t let old emotional wounds block you from finding love.

Venus connects with Uranus on August 1st. If we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we may find a new support system.

The next day on August 2nd, Venus connects with Mars. We can move forward in a matter if we consider the needs of others. 

On August 7th Venus connects pleasantly with Neptune. This is a great time to be more empathetic toward others. Share your emotions.

Finally, on August 8th, Venus opposes Pluto. Don’t let your insecurities get the best of you! This is an unfortunate ending to Venus in Cancer, but if we maintain a mature attitude, we may find a way through this challenging period.

Let’s remember that tenderness or softness in our relationships is not weakness. It takes a very brave person to treat others with gentleness and caring, especially during these times. So take off your protective shell, or at least allow others to hide with you under it. We need each other more than ever, so let’s embrace it.