Mars Enters Taurus

Mars enters Taurus on July 5th at exactly 1:04 am CDT and will stay here until August 20th. This is a difficult sign for Mars to be in. This may be a frustrating time, especially for those of us who tend to be impatient, but for others, this is a chance to take things slow and act deliberately. Mars obviously prefers to act, and Taurus is known for being a chill, relaxed space where one can take all the time they need.

Taurus is a fixed sign, meaning once it decides on a plan of action, it will see matters through until the end, no matter what. And this is where we can really make Mars in Taurus work for us. For if we are going to be obstinate about something, we can at least take our time about it. So decide definitively about a course of action, but don’t feel the need to rush through it. Truly embody the “slow and steady wins the race” attitude.

Mars’ first connection is on July 26th, when it squares off with Mercury. Avoid being overly aggressive or overconfident about your position. Your mindset may be interfering with what you’re trying to accomplish.

Next, on August 1st, Mars joins Uranus. Stubbornness may cause us to react abnormally. Focus on being more adaptable or consider going about matters differently. Act very carefully.

On August 2nd Venus connects with Mars. If we act sensitively, we may build or enhance an emotional connection in a relationship.

Mars squares off with Saturn on August 7th. This may be a frustrating time, so remember to keep the bigger picture in mind. Plans may hit roadblocks if we aren’t willing to be flexible.

On August 11th Mars connects with Neptune. We may feel more confident about our actions if we pay attention to our intuition.

Finally, Mars connects pleasantly with Pluto on August 14th. Use this time to take an important step forward in a plan or goal. We may be especially confident or determined around this time, so use it to your advantage.

Persistence requires hope. Let’s use this time to take small, positive steps forward.