Mercury Enters Cancer

Mercury enters Cancer on July 5th at exactly 1:25 am CDT and will stay here until July 19th. We have just two short weeks with this transit, but mentally we will go through many stages as our outlook changes every 2-3 days with the Moon, Cancer’s ruler. Don’t hold too tightly to one communication strategy - let your emotions dictate your approach.

I want us to remember that switching up our communication styles is okay. With Mercury’s ruler switching signs every 2-3 days, this is a perfect moment to try on different techniques. For example, when the Moon is in Virgo, focus on explaining matters in detail. Or, when the Moon is in Gemini, try using a casual, open-minded approach in conversation. We must remember that we don’t need to talk to ourselves and others in the same voice we’ve used for years - force yourself out of that rut.

First, Mercury squares off with Jupiter on July 8th. There may be a tendency to overdo it by saying too much or getting defensive. Make sure you pick your battles wisely.

Then on July 12th, Mercury squares off with Chiron. Give voice to any feelings you have compartmentalized, but avoid doing so impulsively. Weigh your words.

Mercury connects with Uranus on July 13th. If we try a new communication tactic, we may find the emotional connection we’ve been searching for.

The Sun and Mercury meet on July 16th, while Mercury also connects pleasantly with Neptune. We may feel especially comfortable sharing our feelings. Break out of old communication blockages and be more sincere or forgiving.

Finally, on July 17th Mercury opposes Pluto. More powerful forces may cause us to be mentally overwhelmed. Maintain a mature outlook.

Use the next two weeks to consider the origin of your emotions. Often, when we don’t consider where our feelings stem from, we imprison ourselves in a routine cycle of existence, making the same choices that lead to the same places. I want us to experience the freedom that comes with breaking patterns that keep us from growth. Don’t let your feelings be a source of suffering. Let them be a source of understanding.