Mars Enters Gemini

Mars enters Gemini on August 20th at exactly 2:56 am CDT and will stay here for an incredible seven months due to an upcoming Mars retrograde. I can’t stress enough how impactful and, quite honestly, exhausting the next seven months will be. Gemini energy, while lighthearted, can be chaotic, so we must maintain a strong core; otherwise, we may find ourselves shaken and tossed around in ways we don’t appreciate.

There are too many Mars connections to go over them all (don’t worry, I will include them in my daily astrology!), so I will highlight two significant dates. First, from September 23rd to October 10th Mars connects pleasantly with planets in Libra. Use your intellectual abilities to move forward.

Next, the second half of November sees opposition from planets in Sagittarius, so expect more verbal sparring and debates than usual, don’t be impulsive or say things you don’t entirely mean.

Mars in Gemini has trouble staying still for long. It craves movement and activity almost constantly. And while that can help keep us quick and engaged, we can see how it can also become draining. Your mind will be both your friend and enemy for the next seven months. It will be what we rely on to base our actions, but it will also mislead us, never allowing us to linger long enough to make much of an impact.

Follow-through will be difficult, and we may do things just out of curiosity. As we jump easily from one thought to the next, our actions may come across as disorganized or uncommitted. We may often find ourselves engaged in a matter only to change our minds or become distracted by something else. 

All of this constant darting about may leave others with a less than stellar impression of us. Let’s avoid being perceived as fickle and focus on being flexible instead. Adaptability can be one of our greatest assets as long as a solid foundation is underneath us. Over these next seven months, keep in constant touch with who you are and what is important to you. It may be our only guide.