Sun Enters Virgo

The Sun enters Virgo on August 22nd at exactly 10:16 pm CDT and will stay here until September 22nd. This Virgo season will be a little different than usual because Mercury, the Sun’s ruler, will retrograde in Libra starting September 9th. Whatever important decisions we’d like to make, we should make them soon.

We should use the next four weeks to focus on what needs correcting in our lives. Virgo energy pushes us to be helpful, often by perfecting matters or noticing what is amiss. But, as I mentioned, Virgo’s ruler will retrograde, so don’t expect issues to be resolved easily or at your first attempt. We may quickly get discouraged, so be patient with yourself and remember that many of us are dealing with similar frustrations.

On a more positive note, the Sun in Virgo gives us a chance to channel our skills into something useful or beneficial. So feel good about your contributions; they’re important!

The Sun’s first connection in Virgo occurs on August 26th when it squares off with Mars. Be flexible in your approach; otherwise, you may end up dissatisfied.

Next, on September 10th, the Sun connects pleasantly with Uranus. Shake things up a little! Trying a new perspective or new routine may be precisely what is needed.

The Sun opposes Neptune on September 16th, so take some time to relax and check in with your intuition. Let your subconscious voice come to the surface.

Finally, on September 18th, the Sun connects pleasantly with Pluto. Notice what isn’t working and see if there is a way to transform it. Spend some time making substantial but constructive changes in your life.

Over the next four weeks, it may be tempting to overextend ourselves because we want others to see us in a favorable light. Unfortunately, the point of life is not to earn respect by being useful. Don’t let others' expectations or needs override your own. That doesn’t mean we should be selfish, but we shouldn’t always give the best of ourselves to other people. So let’s be helpful - not because we feel obligated to, but because we genuinely want to.