Mercury Enters Libra

Mercury enters Libra on August 25th at exactly 8:03 pm CDT and will stay here until September 23rd when it re-enters Virgo due to an upcoming retrograde. Mercury, the planet that rules our minds and communication style, will be direct in Libra for only two weeks, which means initiate any important projects now before matters get complicated.

Mercury in Libra helps us see matters more objectively and pushes us to communicate much more pleasantly than we perhaps normally would. And although, on the surface, that may make it seem like Libra is a perfect place to have Mercury, Mercury actually has no dignity here. Because approaching everything diplomatically has a downside - we can quickly become unauthentic and insincere. So let’s express ourselves politely but firmly, and commit to not sacrificing our principles in order to be agreeable.

Before it stations retrograde, Mercury only makes one major connection, on September 2nd, when it opposes Jupiter. There may be a conflict between being likable and our ambitions. It may go better for us if we translate this into enthusiasm and try to get others onboard with our vision.

Also, by Friday, September 2nd, Mercury will enter its “storm,” meaning it is moving less than 40 minutes of arc per day. So start anything important BEFORE September 2nd. Obviously, if you begin something significant after that date, the world won’t implode, but matters will play out much more smoothly if they get started before that date.

If there’s something you care about that you want others to care about, speak up and put your ideas out there. The following two weeks are a perfect moment to be persuasive (for good, not evil!) and win others over to our side (again, for good, not evil!). Our influential power won’t be this strong again for a while, so take advantage of it.