Sun Enters Libra

The Sun enters Libra on September 22nd at exactly 8:04 pm CDT and will stay here until October 23rd. This transit will provide a little relief during this stressful and often chaotic time, especially after September 29th, when Venus enters Libra. Then we will have the Sun ruled by a very strong Venus, which should help us smooth over a few rough spots. 

Sometimes we give the kindness to others that we wish for ourselves. We can see that specifically when the Sun is in Libra - the Sun wants to take care of our ego and our ability to do what is best for us, while Libra insists that we partner and cooperate. These dueling motivations can be at odds which is why the Sun is uncomfortable here. The best way to navigate this dynamic is for us to stay close to the people in our life who do not drain our energy or take advantage of us.

The Sun’s first connection occurs only hours after entering Libra when it joins a retrograde Mercury. This sets a tone that looking inward and considering how we treat others will be a significant theme over the next four weeks.

Next, on September 26th, the Sun opposes Jupiter. There may be a conflict between our need to create understanding and our need to be bold or impulsive. Try to use your optimistic perspective to your advantage.

The Sun then opposes Chiron on October 7th. Although it may be tempting, don’t push your feelings aside, and don’t give in to insecurities.

On October 17th, the Sun connects pleasantly with Mars. This is a great time to socialize or connect with others based on mutual interests.

Next, on the 18th, the Sun squares off with Pluto. Avoid letting others take credit for your work or accomplishments.

Finally, on the 22nd, the Sun joins Venus. Use this critical moment to work through or handle any lingering or unresolved relationship issues.

I think we’re all ready to take a break from seeing the world as it is and would instead like to see it as it could be for a little while. Idealism may not be great in large quantities, but a little bit never hurt anyone. So let’s take a break from cynical decisions for a bit, and embrace a more elegant and optimistic point of view.