Mercury Retrograde

Mercury will station retrograde on September 9th at exactly 10:38 pm CDT. Mercury will retrograde through Libra, re-enter Virgo on September 23rd, and then station direct on October 2nd. As usual, this will primarily affect contracts, verbal agreements, plans, travel, and electronics. On top of that, Mercury is currently ruling the Sun and Venus, and Venus is ruling Mercury (we call this mutual reception in astrology), so relationships and finances will also be affected. Please double-check anything in writing, read all the fine print, and have backup plans.

Make sure you are communicating as clearly as possible in your relationships. Messages to others may not be received as we intended, or we may inadvertently say the wrong thing. We may also rethink how we see our relationships and need to understand that others may be rethinking their relationships with us all well. But let’s remember to be kind and consider other people’s feelings even though we may be in a critical mindset.

Mercury’s first major connection happens on September 18th, when it opposes Jupiter. We need to balance advocating for ourselves and being diplomatic carefully. Choose your words thoughtfully, and think before speaking.

Then on the 22nd, Mercury joins the Sun in Libra. We may be forced to see how our communication style isn’t always effective. Take some time to be introspective.

Mercury re-enters Virgo on the 23rd. We may be susceptible to overthinking, which leads nowhere. Journal or try to organize your thoughts.

Mercury joins Venus on the 26th. Past relationships may resurface, and in current relationships, we may have a shift of perspective.

Mercury also connects pleasantly with Pluto on the 26th. Give yourself space to have a profound insight. Look for concealed or deeper truths.

Misunderstandings can happen at any time but often become an issue during Mercury retrograde. Please consider where misunderstandings have occurred in your life and what you can do to repair them. Don’t let your pride or desire to be heard overpower your need to listen.