Venus Enters Libra

Venus enters Libra on September 29th at exactly 2:49 am CDT and will stay here until October 23rd. Finally, Venus gets a break! Relationships have been struggling, but that should change now that Venus is in one of their most comfortable signs. We’ve finally finished the brutal examination of our relationships while Venus was in Virgo, and we are ready to prioritize those based on mutual respect and understanding.

We should use this time to look at how fair our relationships are while acknowledging the difference between literal fairness versus essential fairness. What that means is, not everything needs to be divided exactly 50/50. Sometimes what’s fair is just a vibe, a feeling of what we are comfortable giving and receiving. It’s all about what we are willing to accept and what we need others to accept if they want to be with us.

Venus’ first connection happens on October 1st, when it opposes Jupiter. Don’t compromise out of politeness. Be confident and advocate for what you need out of your relationships.

Then on October 9th Venus opposes Chiron. Hurt feelings may have become a problem in a relationship. Don’t avoid the issue but deal with it delicately.

Venus connects pleasantly with Saturn on October 13th. This is a great time to commit to a relationship or strengthen it in some other way.

Then on October 18th Venus connects pleasantly with Mars. Acting with flexibility and being eager will help move a relationship forward.

Venus and Pluto square off on the 19th. Stay away from superficial relationships. Avoid letting meaningless relationships get in the way of your larger goals or plans.

Finally, on the 22nd, the Sun joins Venus in Libra. We may find some clarity around our relationships and finances. This is also a critical moment where we should resolve any lingering relationship issues.

Venus won’t be this comfortable again for a long time, so take full advantage of the next three weeks. Astrology rarely just drops what we want in our laps, we still need to act on a personal level. So be hopeful and use that hope to bring your relationships to the next level.