Venus Enters Virgo

Venus enters Virgo on September 4th at 11:05 pm CDT and will stay here until September 29th. This will be a tricky Venus transit as Venus’ ruler, Mercury, will station retrograde on September 9th, which means our relationships may begin to backpedal or hit some bumps. We may become over-critical of where things stand, and it will be crucial for us not to get lost in a maze of analysis or judgment.

Venus is uncomfortable in Virgo, and with its ruler retrograde, our relationships are definitely going to get a little confusing over the next month if we aren’t careful. So don’t lose sight of what’s important to you, and remember that good communication will be essential if we want to navigate this time correctly. 

Venus’ first connection occurs on September 16th when it squares off with Mars. There may be a conflict if we don’t create more lightness in our relationships or if we haven’t been communicating effectively. Also, avoid significant financial transactions or arrangements.

Next, on September 19th, Venus connects pleasantly with Uranus. We should be open to new ideas or changes in our relationships, especially if they are practical or grounded in reality.

Then on September 23rd Venus opposes Neptune. At this point, we may be very confused about a relationship or financial situation. Let’s not assume overthinking the matter will help. Instead, listen to your intuition and avoid making any crucial decisions.

Venus connects pleasantly with Pluto on the 25th. It will be best to express our strong feelings authentically and show others that we value them.

Finally, on the 26th, Venus joins a retrograde Mercury. We may reconnect with someone or want to fix a past relationship. Take things slow and avoid making any significant choices.

Over the next month, we could quickly lose sight of what our feelings want because our minds have entirely taken over - which may leave us confused and lonely. So remember to listen to your heart; it deserves a say too.