Mars Direct in Gemini

Mars stations direct in Gemini on January 12th at exactly 2:56 pm CST after spending the last 10 weeks retrograde and will stay in Gemini until March 25th. Over the last few months, we have felt untethered and unable to find anything solid to rely on, which was often overwhelming or aggravating. Many of us sensed we had a lot we wanted to communicate, but for various reasons, we weren’t able to. Thankfully now that Mars is direct, we can move forward with a better sense of how the limits of our knowledge influence our actions.

The past 10 weeks may have shown us where a lack of information or unreliable information was really restricting our ability to act logically. The idea that if we know better, we do better got thrown out the window during this retrograde. Let’s get back on track now and face facts. Knowledge is supposed to enlighten us, not allow us to hide from the truth.

It is essential to understand that Mars in Gemini appreciates breadth of knowledge over depth. It seeks to understand many concepts simultaneously with an agile perceptiveness that knows no limits. So avoid fixating on one piece of information for the next two months. Instead, consider all the facts and use them to form more well-rounded ideas of how to better operate in the world.

We also need to get better at translating information into action and pivoting when new or more accurate information presents itself. How often did we tune out what we didn’t want to know over this retrograde or avoid facing less-than-convenient truths? The world is still dealing with some very challenging issues, and it will take us being brave and refusing to be silent when we are being misled if we want to move forward.

It is more important than ever that we stay sharp and committed to facing the facts, no matter what they are. All information is important, so stop picking and choosing what you accept as true. Our mind is the source of our actions, so if we want to act from a more knowledgeable place, we must respect what we know. We must not limit our perspectives out of fear but embrace the far-reaching implications of what we recognize and understand.