Sun Enters Aquarius

The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20th at exactly 2:30 am CST and will stay here until February 18th. The Sun in Aquarius is much more curious about bigger concepts and sees matters from an all-encompassing perspective. This is not the time for us to be myopic or close-minded. For the next four weeks, focus on looking ahead wisely with a cool head.

The Sun is in detriment in Aquarius because Aquarius isn’t concerned with its own ego at all. It never seeks the spotlight and isn’t interested in personal gratification. We need to force ourselves to strip away our self-pride and recognize what we’re left with: that we are only tiny pieces of a much larger puzzle. And let that idea free you! Realizing that we are not as important as we think we are, liberates us from constantly serving our egos. So embrace it!

The Sun’s first connection is January 24th, when it connects with Jupiter. Participating in something larger than ourselves may be our best strategy if we want luck on our side.

Next, on January 29th, the Sun connects pleasantly with Mars. This is a great time to focus on mental or intellectual matters. We may also feel encouraged to socialize or chat with others.

The Sun connects with Chiron on February 1st. Seeing our insecurities for what they really are may be our best strategy if we want to work on healing our inner child.

Then on February 3rd, the Sun squares off with Uranus. Avoid being rebellious just for the sake of it. Channel that energy into more practical improvements.

Finally, on February 16th, the Sun joins Saturn, a configuration that won’t happen again in Aquarius until 2051! Approach matters seriously with a focus on the bigger picture. Implement your most difficult decisions or plans.

We will not have this strong of an Aquarius season for another 28 years, and we must learn how to embrace this energy before Pluto moves into Aquarius on March 23rd because then it will only get much more intense. We are clearly being pulled toward a more just society, and we all must consider what role we will play. Stop conforming to others and forge a more enlightened path forward.