Sun Enters Pisces

The Sun enters Pisces on February 18th at exactly 4:34 pm CST and will stay here until March 20th. For the last few months, we’ve been dealing with a strong Saturn-ruled Sun, which definitely made our choices feel much more serious and consequential. Now we can focus on making decisions that take our emotions into account and learn to pay attention to our sensitivities, as both give us important information about ourselves and how we interplay with the wider world.

When the Sun is in Pisces, we become very attuned to the push and pull of life, noticing when we should go with the flow and when we should pull back. And to do that, we must become more perceptive about ourselves and our nuances. So, remember to be gentle with yourself over the next four weeks.

The Sun’s first connection isn’t until March 5th, when it connects with Uranus. Paying attention to our intuition or simply being more creative may help us find solutions or see matters from a more enlightened perspective.

Next, on March 15th, the Sun joins Neptune. This is an ideal time to relax and listen to our emotions. Avoid tasks that require detail or close attention as we may be preoccupied with our feelings or easily distracted.

Then on March 16th, the Sun squares off with Mars. This may push us to consider the actual facts in a situation instead of reacting emotionally. Use your emotional intelligence and the information available to make the best choice.

The Sun also joins Mercury on the 16th, pushing us to be wiser and more inspirational in our mindset.

Finally, on March 20th, the Sun connects with Pluto. Listening to our emotions will help us make important choices that lead to more security and confidence in ourselves, even though it may feel daunting or overwhelming.

There is a lot of stigma around showing our emotions, and many cultural forces actively discourage it. But as we are inherently filled with lots of feelings, it is simply impossible and unhealthy to live by logic alone. So get in touch with them. They contain important information about who we are and what we ultimately want out of our lives.