Mercury Enters Libra

Mercury enters Libra on October 4th at exactly 7:09 pm CDT and will stay here until October 22nd. This is a massive relief for many of us as Mercury has been in Virgo since the end of July, which is much longer than usual due to Mercury’s recent retrograde. Finally, our brains get a chance to switch gears and perceive matters differently. Let’s spend the next three weeks being more agreeable and persuasive while maintaining our principles and open-mindedness.

It may seem like a contradiction to be both principled and open-minded, but Mercury in Libra is open to being corrected. Sometimes, we have to be both confident in our perspective and receptive to changing our minds if new or better information comes along. As an air sign, Mercury in Libra wants to go where the information takes them, even if that means we must reconsider or reevaluate.

Mercury’s first connection happens on October 14th, when it opposes Chiron. This may be a difficult time for us as, on the one hand, we’d like to view matters rationally, but lingering emotional wounds may deserve more of our attention and care. We also have a Solar Eclipse that day, so expect emotions to be heightened, making it difficult to be logical.

Next, on October 19th, the Sun joins Mercury. This is an excellent moment for us to focus on matters concerning ourselves, take advantage of recent opportunities, and plan for the future.

Finally, on October 20th, Mercury squares off with Pluto. Try to avoid obsessive or compulsive thoughts around this time and focus on dealing with issues that may have remained hidden until now.

While we will be better able to keep the so-called peace during this transit, we must ensure we don’t take that too far and become complacent or cowardly. Being agreeable and upholding consensus is often very helpful, but we must balance that with our own integrity and principles. Good manners should never come at the cost of our morals.