Venus Enters Aries

Venus enters Aries on February 20th at exactly 1:56 am CST and will stay here until March 16th. Venus is uncomfortable in Aries, as Aries is a Mars-ruled sign, so our values will undergo a significant shift for the next few weeks. We will move away from deepening our emotional connections toward a more passionate but riskier approach. 

While Venus is in Aries, we may be focused more on the chase instead of securing what we actually desire. We may be tempted to go after what is fun or exciting to us at the moment instead of considering any long-term implications. So let’s ensure that whatever we’re going after in our relationships is really what we want because chasing something, only to realize you don’t really want it, is an ultimately pointless experience.

Venus’ first connection is on March 1st, when it joins Jupiter. This may push us to take a big step in a relationship or declare our feelings for someone else. Although we can use this energy to our advantage, we may also be highly impulsive, so be careful.

Next, on the 3rd, Venus joins Chiron. We may lack the tolerance to deal with anyone making us feel insecure, so focus on surrounding yourself with those people that understand you best.

Then on the 10th, Venus connects with Mars. We should look for an opportunity to act in a relationship or initiate a step forward. And since Mars is in Gemini, using our words should be our focus and will give us an advantage.

Finally, on the 16th, Venus squares off with Pluto ending this transit on a more serious note. For better or worse, we may be faced with the consequences of our actions in our relationships. Avoid making financial decisions or big purchases.

There is much to admire about boldly chasing the object of our desire because very few of us would be in relationships if no one ever took any initiative. There is a braver and more confident person deep inside us, and we only hurt our partnerships if we always hide that part of ourselves. So let’s appreciate, but more importantly display, courageous, fearless acts of love over the next few weeks. Because if we want more, we have to give more.