Sun Enters Aries

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th at exactly 4:24 pm CDT and will stay here until April 20th. Although Aries is not one of the Sun’s home signs, it is territory the Sun feels very honored in as it has both exaltation and day triplicity in Aries. The Sun’s entry into Aries coincides with the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and also marks the beginning of the astrological new year. Aries is the first sign in the natural zodiac, so when the Sun enters it, we begin a whole new cycle.

The next four weeks are a wonderful time for us to be confident, daring, and independent. Focus on beginning new projects, going after what excites you, and approaching the world fearlessly. I understand that many of us are energetically depleted right now, so the idea of rising to life’s challenges seems, at best annoying, and at worst daunting. Hopefully, this Aries season and astrological New Year will bring us the strength and optimism we are running low on. 

We also need to remember that it’s not how much energy we have; it’s what we do with it. We may want to consider reevaluating our priorities as we reflect on the changes and shifts we’ve had to absorb over the last year.

The Sun’s first connection is on April 5th, when it joins Chiron. Handle an ongoing insecurity with more courage and assertiveness, but keep in mind there is also a Libra Full Moon the same day, so we should avoid becoming aggressive or combative.

The Sun’s last connection is on April 11th, when it joins Jupiter. We may have a lot of excess energy around this time, so find healthy outlets. This is a perfect time for adventurous activities, taking risks, and handling matters independently. Do something spontaneous or courageous.

I want us to carry this sense of new beginnings with us for the next four weeks as we leave one season and enter the next. It is time to prepare and anticipate what is coming down the line for us, and to do so successfully means we must integrate everything we have experienced. So let’s start fresh but not leave what we’ve learned in the past.