Mercury Enters Aries

Mercury enters Aries on March 18 at exactly 11:24 pm CDT and will stay here until April 3rd. Mercury finally gets to leave Pisces, a sign where it’s debilitated, into more neutral territory. We are now able to be more quick-thinking and decisive, so for the next two and a half weeks, focus on initiating ideas and being outspoken.

Mercury spends a relatively short time in Aries and makes only two major planetary connections while here. We must seize this energy while it lasts because we won’t get an energetic version of Mercury again until July, so if you have anything that requires more courage for you to say, this is the time to do so. We also have another Mercury retrograde approaching toward the end of April, so take advantage of this forceful energy before matters get much more complicated. 

Mercury’s first connection is on March 26th, when it joins Chiron. An insecurity of ours may weigh heavily on our minds. Focus on expressing yourself honestly, but make sure to avoid anger or outbursts due to frustration.

Finally, on the 27th, Mercury joins Jupiter in Aries. This is a great time if we need to make ourselves heard or think about matters more expansively. Be aware that we may also be prone to overspeaking or exaggeration.

Even though Mercury in Aries is more speak first, think later, that is not always such a bad thing. We all know that overthinking is a double-edged sword and often leads to inaction. Push yourself to be more courageous in communicating - take a few more risks and be a little more frank. Being outspoken, especially in these times, is a necessary and vitally important skill. I want us all to have the courage to say what needs to be said.