Venus Enters Capricorn

Venus enters Capricorn on January 23rd at exactly 2:50 am CST and will stay here until February 16th. We now need to shift away from boldness and candor when dealing with others toward a more mature approach as we become more committed and devoted to our relationships. For the next three weeks, express genuine affection for others, be more serious about your relationships and trustworthy. 

Loving can be easy, but translating that love into a healthy relationship takes work. We often see that as a tedious or negative experience and fail to understand that it also can be incredibly validating and enriching. Gravitate toward those willing to put in the effort for you and for the relationship. No one can carry the entirety of a relationship on their back alone. 

There is almost no better feeling than being with the person you love and knowing they will be there tomorrow, the next day, and the day after. Commitment allows us to relax into our relationships. When we don’t have it, we waste a lot of energy on worry, tension, and anticipation. I want us to find more stable, committed relationships and really celebrate those who have continually stuck around. Love should be fun, but it shouldn’t be a game.

The biggest issue we have to deal with while Venus is Capricorn, though, is trust. The strongest relationships need to have it, but getting it can be quite difficult. We know that trust takes time and it takes effort. It takes someone showing us over and over again that they can be reliable. Make trust a bigger priority when evaluating who you show up for and be someone others can trust as well. Because it's a two-way street, we must give a little to get a little ourselves.

Finally, let’s spend this time ensuring we have the same goals in our relationships. Be clear and focused about who you give your attention to. Two people going in different directions rarely arrive at the same destination. Make sure you are clear about your path if you wish others to travel with you. 


Saturday January 27

Venus connects with Saturn. Look for an opportunity to show how considerate you can be of others.

Sunday January 28

Venus connects pleasantly with Jupiter, helping us make sound financial investments and favorably influence others.

Wednesday February 7

Venus connects pleasantly with Uranus. Focus on making positive adjustments in your relationships or finances as you see matters differently.

Monday February 12

Venus connects with Neptune. Being more sensitive may help us build trust with others.