Mercury Enters Aquarius

Mercury enters Aquarius on February 4th at exactly 11:10 pm CST and will stay here until February 23rd. Mercury has been in and out of Capricorn because of a retrograde for a while now. Now that Mercury is in an air sign, it’s time to get a little less cautious and a lot more open-minded. For the next three weeks, concentrate on objectively seeing matters, embracing reformist ideas, and being more original when communicating.

As an air sign ruled by Saturn, Mercury in Aquarius wants us to see everything as literally and objectively as possible but also wants us to extend our vision as far as we can. That doesn’t mean we should avoid extreme ideas, but we should consider the practical implications of them. Spend this time focusing on how you can make the impossible possible and the unrealistic a little more realistic.

We must also push ourselves to champion more fundamental changes in our social conditions. As our thoughts turn to more open-minded ideas, we start to see the inequalities around us. Mercury in Aquarius wants us to spend more of our mental energy on changing what is unfair and correcting what is distorted. Delve deeper into humanitarian causes and support what is best for the group at large.

Finally, we should embrace our original way of communicating. We each have our own little way of sharing things, and that needs to be celebrated. None of us want to live in a world where everyone speaks or communicates similarly. It might be easier, but it would be exceedingly dull. Your communication style suits you, so use it! As long as we stay clear and sincere, there is no reason to hide ourselves behind a monolith of expression.

There is still a lot of suffering in the world, and I hope we use Mercury’s time in Aquarius to stay focused on others, especially those who are marginalized or being silenced. And do not limit yourself to only causes that affect you! We are all in this world together. The more we think about others, the more we deepen our relationship with ourselves.


Sunday February 4

Mercury joins Pluto making our thoughts and ideas much more intense than usual. Deal with obsessive thoughts by focusing on the bigger picture.

Friday February 9

Mercury squares off with Jupiter. Avoid being too clinical in how you communicate. Push yourself to be more approachable or generous.

Friday February 16

Mercury squares off with Uranus. Avoid being too stubborn in your mindset. Instead, be open to more original thoughts and perspectives.