Venus Enters Libra

Venus enters Libra on November 8th at exactly 3:30 a.m. CST and will stay here until December 4th. While Venus was in Virgo, it may have been too easy to be critical of others and overly analytical about our relationships. Now Venus is back in one of the signs it likes best, which should help us be more tolerant and see matters much more reasonably. For the next four weeks, we should focus on maintaining what is most beautiful in our lives and relating to others fairly.

Venus in Libra has incredibly high standards. The only issue is that when we have such high expectations, we are ultimately bound to be disappointed a lot. People are just people, after all, and it can be difficult for us to accept others’ faults and not be hung up on appearances. We must remember that we aren’t perfect either - both on the inside and outside. Try to only hold others to the standard you have for yourself, and even then, still give a little more grace.

It is also difficult, I’m sure, for many of us to think about any of this while the world is in turmoil. We must continue to cry out for peace and justice whenever we can; however, there is a real possibility that while Venus is in Libra, we become too afraid of conflict. 

I hope we can understand the difference between fair and unfair conflict and learn that there is no shame in fighting when it is for what is right. Let’s master conflict instead of avoiding it. We can do that by judging matters rationally and dispassionately. Thinking about the collective and considering the legacy society is leaving behind. And finally, by choosing a side but being open to changing our minds if better information comes along.

Some of the most beautiful moments of our lives have also been the most peaceful. We can give more of that to ourselves and the world by strongly advocating for more kindness and fairness. And if that sometimes means being disagreeable, embrace it. Being nice is great, but it’s more important that we are good.


Nov 14 Mercury connects with Venus, giving us a chance to express our affection more boldly. Look for opportunities to verbalize your feelings.

Nov 22 Venus opposes Chiron. We may need to confront whether our attempts to be pleasant have helped or hurt our ability to overcome our emotional wounds.

Dec 2 Venus squares off with Pluto, pushing us to see our relationships more seriously. Avoid clinging to the past and change how you relate to others if necessary.