May 18th Full Moon in Scorpio

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At 4:11 pm CDT on Saturday we will have a Full Moon in Scorpio. The major themes surrounding this Full Moon will be bringing what is hidden out into the light, and using our emotional intelligence to dig into what we need to transform to bring more harmony into our lives.

The Full Moon is a time of illumination and brings what has been in the dark into the light. A Full Moon in Scorpio is especially a time when skeletons in closets should get taken out, dusted off, and examined. What secrets are you tired of hiding? What secrets are you hiding for others that you don’t want to be holding onto? Release any darkness you don’t want to be responsible for anymore.

Each sign has a planetary ruler and Scorpio’s is Mars. Mars is in Cancer during this Full Moon which indicates that issues around nurturing/family are especially likely to come up. Is there a family dynamic that has been holding us back? We should also consider where fear isn’t allowing us to move forward. Are we being stubborn, are we being too defensive? Since Cancer and Scorpio are both watery energies the solution is to not direct our energy in a particular direction, but to feel things out and use emotional intelligence to find the best path forward.

Mars will sextile Venus and Uranus in Taurus during this Full Moon which will help us find some practical solutions that will bring more harmony into our lives. Although as always with Uranus, expect the unexpected. Money or relationship matters may bring some unexpected news. Mars also squares the asteroid Chiron during this Full Moon. Chiron is where we hold our deepest emotional wounds and where we use those wounds to help others. During this time we may be fearful of asserting ourselves in the ways we need to. Again, we should rely on our emotional intelligence to help us. Working on our issues slowly, and practically should give us the confidence to move forward in the ways we need to.

Also, look to which house Scorpio rules in your chart. The areas of life that house pertains to may also give a clue about where secrets are about to be exposed. It will also tell us where in our life we are feeling especially blocked. We may need to push ourselves in these areas and go deeper. The solution may be buried and it is our job to dig and find it.