July 2nd Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer

On Tuesday, July 2, 2019 we will experience a total solar eclipse in Cancer. A solar eclipse is when the Sun appears to be completely (this is the “total” part) covered by the Moon. A solar eclipse can only happen at a New Moon when the Moon is passing between the Earth and the Sun. The reason we don’t get an eclipse every New Moon is because the Moon’s orbit is tilted and only rarely does it’s shadow hit Earth. This solar eclipse is going to be a little extra because it is total, and because the New Moon is in Cancer, it’s home sign.

We should first talk about how an eclipse in Cancer is different than an eclipse in another sign. Cancer is the Moon’s home sign and in astrology the Moon represents the Mother, so mothering, sensitivity, care-taking, and nurturing are all things associated with Cancer. Any issues we may have in these areas may come to the surface during this solar eclipse. It’s very important to nurture ourselves, but it is also important to not get too wrapped up in our emotions. Cancer is a summer sign for a reason - it represents life and growth. We should think about new beginnings and where we want to grow in our lives.

It’s also important to consider what other planets or placements are making connections to the Moon/Sun when we look at how this eclipse will play out. Saturn opposes the Moon and the Sun during this eclipse indicating that perhaps we need to get our home life and how we take care of others or ourselves in order. We may finally be forced to create more balance in our lives. Are we taking care of others too much or too little? The Moon and Sun will also oppose the South Node so use this time to be reflective of the past, but do not cling to it. Instead try to be flexible and consider a new approach – the Moon/Sun’s sextile to Uranus will help with that. This is a time when looking at things a new way, or doing things differently could be especially helpful.

If we pay close attention this eclipse will guide us toward the next phase in our lives. The next two eclipses this year will be in Capricorn, the sign opposite Cancer. If Cancer is all about nurturing, sensitivity, and our private emotional space, Capricorn energy is concerned with status, reputation, and discipline. The rest of 2019 will have many of us re-calibrating our work/life balance. And it’s easy to see how these opposite areas of our lives depend on one another for our success. We will have trouble being out in the world if our emotional foundation isn’t strong, and if we are too preoccupied with achievement we will have a difficult time nurturing ourselves.

The final thing I want to mention is that with all eclipses we should expect something unexpected to happen. This is especially true with this eclipse as the Moon/Sun makes a sextile to Uranus that I mentioned earlier. Uranus is the planet most associated with unforeseen or unpredictable events. There is nothing you can do to prepare for what Uranus and eclipses bring, just remember that this time is meant to guide you into the next chapter. Solar eclipses are a time for new beginnings, don’t make any drastic decisions because the story has just begun.