July 16th Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn


On Tuesday, July 16 we will have a partial lunar eclipse in Capricorn! Generally solar and lunar eclipses come in pairs and two weeks ago we had the first eclipse in the cycle which was a total solar eclipse in Cancer. During a lunar eclipse the Earth is between the Sun and Moon blocking the Sun’s light to the Moon. Usually during a Full Moon the Moon has reached maximum illumination, but during the eclipse the Moon is in shadow and may appear reddish because the light from Earth is refracted onto it.

Now how a lunar eclipse in Capricorn will affect you depends on your particular birth placements, but there are some general things to look out for. First, systems that aren’t working anymore may be uprooted. Capricorn is an earth sign and rules government, business matters, and land. We should expect these areas to experience a shift in the next couple of weeks. On a more personal level we could experience career changes, a relocation, or red tape.

Second, this may be a time where we wonder if all our hard work is really paying off since Capricorn’s energy is one of hard work, dedication, and authority. If you are feeling like you aren’t getting anywhere in a particular area of your life, be patient. Remember, Mercury is retrograde during this eclipse so it’s a good time to review and reassess any areas of frustration.

Finally, on July 16 Venus and Saturn also oppose each other. This may cause us to revisit themes around nurturing and responsibility from this month’s earlier solar eclipse. We may still need to work on balancing taking care of ourselves and our responsibilities. Don’t be surprised if you are more emotionally cold than usual. Emotional detachment can be good for making practical decisions, but don’t go too far and hurt people’s feelings.

Remember changes in our lives activated by eclipses can take a few weeks to show up, so Tuesday may not be a life changing day for you. Also, no eclipse affects everyone the same, but if you have any natal planets in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn) around 24 degrees I would pay extra attention to this eclipse. It’s never a bad idea to take time off during an eclipse or at least slow down. Try to go with the flow!