October 31st Mercury Retrograde

On Thursday October 31st, Mercury will officially enter it’s retrograde cycle while it’s in Scorpio and will last until November 20th. This often notorious time usually brings all sorts of communication, travel, and electronic disturbances, and this retrograde will be extra impactful for a couple of reasons. First, Mercury in Scorpio is an intense sign for Mercury to be in. Scorpio wants to get down to deep, intense depths of matters. This is not a placement for light thinking or mental laziness. When Mercury is in Scorpio we tend to see through the smoke and mirrors; we are more interested in reality than the illusion.

Second, because of this retrograde Mercury will be in Scorpio for six weeks in total. That’s a lot of time to be dealing with all this mental intensity. Make sure you carve out time to be alone with your thoughts and pay attention to what thoughts rise to the surface during these moments, but also take care of yourself mentally! This could be a stressful time and self-care will vital to maintaining a good mental outlook.

It is especially important during any Mercury retrograde to watch your words and how you communicate. Since Mercury rules communication it’s easier than ever to say the wrong thing or send an email you should have re-read. Also back up your phone and computer if you haven’t recently, and double check any contracts you sign.

As always with Mercury retrograde people or matters from our past could show up. This will be especially true this retrograde. Don’t be surprised if secrets are uncovered. But keep in mind it isn’t all bad! If there is something in your life that requires investigating this may be a good time to get into it. And finally, if you know what house Scorpio rules in your chart, look to that area of life for clues about what may come up for you. Remember Mercury retrograde is time renew, rethink, re-examine, and re-evaluate.