Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra

On October 14th, there will be a New Moon in Libra at exactly 12:55 pm CDT and a Solar Eclipse. The eclipse will last from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. in Chicago, but this varies on location, so please check for more information. All eclipses are considerable, but this one is especially significant, so please prepare some time and space to be alone with your feelings this weekend.

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

There will be a Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Scorpio on October 25th at 5:49 am CDT. Remember that eclipses always happen in pairs, so we are really kicking off a two-week period (often referred to as eclipse season) that tends to throw matters in disarray and spur unexpected events. The corresponding Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is on November 8th, so until then, hold off on starting any important projects or making impetuous decisions.

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus

There is a partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Taurus on Saturday, April 30th at exactly 3:28 pm CDT. All of the eclipses in 2022 occur in either Taurus or Scorpio, so keep your eye on those houses in your chart. Expect some significant evolutions to come out of those areas of your life this year. Since this is only a partial eclipse, we may feel like whatever we discover, we’re only getting part of the story or missing some information. But remember, eclipses bring disturbances, so embrace it all as part of the cycle.

Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Sagittarius

On Monday, December 14th, there will be a Solar Eclipse and New Moon in 23 degrees of Sagittarius. The eclipse itself will last about three hours. Do not start anything important on Monday. Solar eclipses bring intense energy that does not lend itself well to new beginnings. Instead, focus on what you should eliminate or cut out of your life. This is a good time to purge what hasn’t been working for you or is holding you back.