Jupiter Enters Aquarius

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Jupiter enters Aquarius on Saturday, December 19th at 7:07 am CST. Jupiter will stay here for about a year, with some dips back and forth due to its retrograde starting in June. While Jupiter was in Capricorn it was very concerned with societal structures and the authorities within those structures. Jupiter in Aquarius doesn’t really care about any of that. It wants us to think bigger; it wants us to expand our perception of what’s possible.

If Jupiter in Capricorn during 2020 made us unhappy with the existing structures in our society now is the time to consider how we want the world to be because we actually don’t have to accept the world as it is. If things aren’t how we’d like them to be, we need to ask ourselves, what are we doing to change it. I know a lot of us have been told over our lifetimes that we need to be “realistic” and “that isn’t possible.” Progress is going to require us to get out of our comfort zones.

Because it starts with us. Collective change is only possible if we start with the personal. Elevate your perspective and focus on how you can create a life where you treat people more fairly. Let go of the past! Concentrate on your own growth and evolution. We each need to be good examples to each other. And remember, Jupiter wants to generate prosperity for us, and it’s in a much better position to do so now. Being a more equanimous person doesn’t mean we must suffer. Sometimes we can benefit greatly.

Saturn will be Jupiter’s ruler while it is in Aquarius, so maybe the answer is in how committed we are willing to be. Saturn shows us that we have to work for what we want and that change doesn’t always come easy. We will have to alter and improve the systems we rely on to make them fairer for everyone.

This is an inspiring change for all of us. This is a time where we can see what is possible and what we can achieve if we are willing to work for it. Enjoy a new range of possibilities and experiences. Challenge the status quo and inspire yourself. Let go of the past and embrace your potential.