Mercury Enters Capricorn

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On Sunday, December 20th, Mercury enters Capricorn at 5:07 pm CST. Mentally things will start to get a little more serious and toned down compared to when Mercury was in Sagittarius. The good news is that Saturn (Capricorn’s ruler) is in Aquarius now infusing Capricorn with a little lighter energy than it’s used to.

Mercury in Capricorn will sextile Neptune in Pisces a couple of times over the next four weeks. This will remind us that we can’t operate entirely in a structured and disciplined manner. We also need to bring some intuition into the mix. Use music or other creative outlets to help when stressed out or overwhelmed. Mercury is also still very close to the Sun, so give the planet a few more days before taking on anything important.

This is a good last chance to complete any business before 2020 ends. We may be a little more focused now, so get stuff in order and wrap up what loose ends you can. This is also a good time to start thinking about your plans for next year, especially if planning helps you feel calmer.
Finally, take advantage of this time to think things through in your life and communicate with more authority. Mercury, in Capricorn, does not encourage us to be timid or to underestimate ourselves. Trust your mental abilities and close out the year with more confidence.