The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn

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On Monday, December 21st, Jupiter and Saturn will join each other in the 0 degree of Aquarius, an event that only happens once every 20 years. Jupiter and Saturn haven’t been together in Aquarius since 1405. This also sets off a new 200-year cycle making this Great Conjunction also a Great Mutation. This is a significant shift that we will experience gradually as a society.

Aquarius can be a difficult sign for some to understand. At first, it can seem an odd combination for a sign that is, on the one hand, cold, logical, and sometimes revolutionary, to also be so concerned with humanity and fairness. But understand caring about others is logical. Humans live in groups; we depend on each other to survive and are affected by each other’s actions. Fairness is also logical. It creates less discord; everyone is treated equally. So when we think about it, humanitarianism is perfectly logical. These notions are not at odds with each other; they are precisely the ideas and concepts we need to take into the future with us.

Adding to this conjunction's power, it also sets off a new 200-year cycle where Jupiter and Saturn meet only in air signs. For the last 200 years, these planets have been meeting every 20 years mostly in earth signs. For the previous 200 years, the world has mainly been focused on earth sign related matters – material gains, building capital, collecting resources, etc. Monday sets off a new cycle, slowly shifting our focus to ideas, intellect, and communications. As air is the lightest of the four elements, this move will help us be less rigid and less systematic. As a society need to start letting go of what is weighing us down.

We are embarking on a new era. This conjunction begins a cycle that will take many years to unfold. We can no longer avoid rebellion if that is what it takes for change to happen. Civility only serves to uphold those already in power. And our results will only be a good as the effort we are willing to put in. Previous Jupiter, Saturn conjunctions did not always produce positive events. We need to commit ourselves to working towards a more egalitarian society, even if that comes at a cost.