Mercury Retrograde in Pisces

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Today, Sunday, February 16th Mercury has officially started it’s retrograde motion! Mercury will retrograde through Pisces, and will continue to retrograde back into Aquarius as well. This may be an especially confusing retrograde because Mercury already gets easily confused and taken off track when in Pisces. Now add retrograde motion to that, and the confusion could easily skyrocket. It’s like we’re walking in a fog for the next several weeks. Normally, Mercury retrograde is a good time for us to review things, and I still recommend that, but do so based off intuition, rather than relying on logical thinking. Do a lot of “gut checks” the next few weeks. Do not expect to come up with solutions or ideas as you usually do. We may find ourselves knowing the answer, but unable to explain why we feel the way we do. Also need to keep in mind that others may also be making decisions based on intuition, not rational reasoning, so be forgiving and understanding.

It’s ok to work on things during Mercury retrograde, just make sure they’re things you’ve already started. This can be a great time to finally get around to things you haven’t been able to finish. Also, pay attention to your dreams, they may feature people or place from your past. Finally, the most important advice I can give you is to double check everything! Double check emails, double check texts, plans, reservations, etc. You probably can’t double check too much to be honest!

If you want to get more specific about what areas of your life may be especially affected, look to which houses Pisces and Aquarius rule in your chart. This retrograde will wrap up on March 9th, but we won’t officially be in the clear until March 19th. Use this time to look inward and good luck everyone!