Neptune Retrograde

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At 11:31 pm CDT on Monday, June 22nd Neptune will turn retrograde. We now have six planets retrograde (although Venus will finally turn direct on Thursday). A lot of us are doing some introspection and realizing that we have some changes in our lives to make. Neptune turning retrograde will bring up where in our lives we’ve been idealistic, and also where we’ve been disillusioned. We are really being asked right now to notice where things aren’t what we thought they were. A lot of us are grappling with a new reality, and that theme is only going to continue. Now that our vision is starting to clear, it is time for us to accept what is right in front of us.

Neptune retrograde also may bring up issues around how we escape and distract ourselves. Neptune is the planet that helps us let go, and now that it’s retrograde we should review where and how we escape. People generally think of escaping as drinking, partying, or watching too much TV, but it can also be our hopes and dreams. Often we find solace in our wishes for the future so much, that we almost stop living in reality. This retrograde is asking us to be more realistic in order to envision a better future for ourselves.

It’s a very emotional time, especially with the Cancer eclipse that just happened so I encourage everyone to cry it out if they need to! It’s a lot right now so let’s try to be brave, face what we need to, and move towards a better future.