Venus Turns Direct

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On Thursday, June 24th, at 1:48 am CDT, Venus will end its retrograde motion and turn direct. Venus has been retrograde for more than a month now, and we’ve had some time to review how and who we connect with. And since this retrograde was in Gemini, we also may have developed some new interests or hobbies in the last month.

Gemini likes to connect with its immediate environment, so how have your feelings about your community changed? Maybe we don’t value the same things as our neighbors, or maybe we’re starting to appreciate them more than ever. With Mercury still retrograde in Cancer we are really thinking about where we came from, and where we find comfort. Some of us may have decided that where we are living and how we are living isn’t working for us anymore.

I think a lot of us started out this Venus retrograde not sure how we felt when it came to other people because with everything that is going on, we were seeing different sides to people, or noticing them for the first time. I hope this retrograde gave everyone a chance to get some clarity around the people we have in our lives and our relationships with them. We’re also changing the ways we communicate with others, as Gemini is a Mercury-ruled sign. Mercury is still retrograde for a while so expect that by the end of that retrograde, how we interact with others may have really evolved.

Please remember that Venus is still moving very slowly and won’t reach the degree it started the retrograde at until July 28th so let’s take some time to integrate anything we’ve learned or realized during this retrograde period. We are slowly moving in a direction where we can begin to take charge again!