Venus Enters Capricorn

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Venus enters Capricorn on Friday, January 8th, at 9:41 am CST. This isn't the most fun or exciting placement for Venus, but it will allow us to take stock and evaluate things from a more realistic perspective. We should also use this time to look at our financial situation and assess it realistically, as Venus also rules money. Venus in Capricorn is here to teach us that life can't always be fun, but also that fun maybe isn't the most important part of our lives anyway. Commitment, loyalty, and dedication are overlooked, undervalued assets that we must also learn to appreciate.

Venus in Capricorn is like the part of the relationship where you suddenly have to grapple with the daily practicalities of being together. It's where we realize that there are things in the relationship that aren't really ideal. It may be a difference in taste, or annoying habits, or someone not being around enough for us. The good thing, though, is that if we face these differences and realities, we can only grow stronger not only in our relationship but in ourselves.

Venus will join Pluto on January 28th, which could shake things up for us. Our bonds with others will either deepen, or they may be severed. Many of us will experience a turning point around this time. If you do experience any significant changes, make sure you don't make any impulsive decisions. We should understand that this was inevitable and changes needed to happen. And this won't be entirely negative; many of us may also deeply commit to someone or make transformative financial changes.

Finally, I want us to focus a little more on security for the next few weeks. When Mars entered Taurus, I wrote about exploring our relationship with the material world. I also want us to extend that into examining what makes us feel safe as it is different for everyone. Is it material things, or lots of emotional support, or financial security? Figure out what brings you peace and work that into your life. There is a lot of change happening astrologically; make sure you carve out some safety and comfort for yourself.