Sun Enters Aquarius

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On Tuesday, January 19th, the Sun will leave Capricorn for Aquarius. Although Saturn rules both signs, Aquarius being an air sign gives the Sun much more flexibility and insightfulness. The Sun will stay in Aquarius until February 18th. Spend the next four weeks focusing on how best to help others and, while doing so, creating a better space for yourself. 

While the Sun is in Aquarius, it will make several critical planetary connections. First, it will join Saturn on January 23rd and then Jupiter on January 28th. This indicates that we can expect to continue to expand and work towards more humanitarian goals. We also need to actually implement more significant ideas around fairness if we haven’t already begun to do so. What are you doing to support causes or movements that you think are societally important? 

The second notable connection the Sun in Aquarius will make is squaring both Uranus and Mars, January 26th and February 1st respectively. This suggests that outside forces may try to control us, and unexpected matters may try to take us off our path. Please keep persisting in your worthy causes and do not give up easily; this is a lot of fixed sign energy with both sides digging in their heels. Adapt, but do not lose your way. Stay in control of yourself and remember to focus on what is best in the context of the larger world. 

Finally, I want us to remember that the Sun is in detriment in Aquarius. If the Sun represents our ego, our core, if it is in detriment, it will often present itself as putting the group’s needs ahead of itself. And trust me, I could extol the virtues of this all day. As a person who has a Sun in Aquarius, it is truly important to me. But I don’t want us to forget our individuality in service to the group. Remember, there is no one else like you in the world, no one understands this better than an astrologer, and you shouldn’t subvert your personality just to get along better with others. Let’s use this Aquarius energy to honor our peculiar uniqueness while also understanding we are part of something much larger than ourselves.