Mercury Enters Aquarius

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Friday, January 8th at 6:00 am CST, Mercury leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. Mercury will spend a little longer than usual here (until March 15th) due to an upcoming retrograde on January 30th that will last until February 20th. Now we will have a chance to zoom way out and get a different perspective on matters. We can finally let of being pedantic in our thoughts and words. Now we are being called to use our voices and stories to speak out against what we think is wrong.

Please use this time to get a fresh perspective on your life and how you see the larger world. With Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and soon the Sun, all in Aquarius, it is time for us to stop considering the "establishment." The people who have been in power in the past hold many outdated ideas; let us all move on from that. Real change often begins in our minds, we start changing how we think, and then we start changing our actions. Maintain a mental landscape that nurtures growth and evolution—a place where you can be fully aware of yourself and how you interact with the world.

Mercury will retrograde while in Aquarius starting around January 30th, and this retrograde will last until about February 20th. During this time, slow down and review any changes you've made mentally. Take some time to reflect on any new perspectives, review how you've been communicating, and refine any ideas that need tweaking.

Mercury will be conjunct Jupiter and Saturn several times while in Aquarius. This reoccurring planetary alignment will encourage us to be more enlightened with our thoughts and ideas. Again this emphasizes that we should leave outdated ways of seeing things behind and be open-minded but discerning. Jupiter will help us expand our views, and Saturn will call on us to commit to what we find compelling or important. Mercury will also square Mars on February 10th, pushing us to take action around our new perspectives.

Let us envision a better future where people are actually treated fairly. Changing our minds is the first step.