Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius

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On Saturday, January 30th, Mercury will officially station retrograde in Aquarius. This retrograde will last until about February 20th, but avoid starting anything important or buying expensive electronics until February 26th. Mercury will spend its entire retrograde in Aquarius, prompting us to reflect, take our time, and think things through, especially regarding social issues and personal responsibility. 

Mercury retrograde periods allow us to take a break from active thinking and switch our brains to a more contemplative mode. The last retrograde we experienced was in October of 2020. A LOT has happened since then. We must take the time to process and work through our experiences over the last three months. What have we realized? What insights do we have now that we didn’t last year?

We should pay attention to the week of February 8th as Mercury makes several significant connections. First on the 8th, Mercury joins the Sun in Aquarius. On the 10th, it squares off with Mars in Taurus, on the 12th, it joins Venus in Aquarius, and finally, on February 14th, it joins Jupiter in Aquarius. Please pay close attention to what happens that week, for it may be a time when we are starting to see which relationships and situations are positive and beneficial for us and which people or situations are hurting us or holding us back. Appreciate those who have been a positive influence in your life, and consider removing anything that only brings negativity. On Valentine’s Day, pick your words carefully, and think twice before reaching out to an ex.

Finally, I want to remind us that it’s okay to change our minds. When we take time to reflect, we often see things in a new light. This can lead to realizations about what we need to adjust or change in our lives. Change and evolution can be good things! It isn’t good for us to get stuck in one place mentally. So change your mind, see things differently. Society as a whole is having a lot of realizations right now, which will only be compounded by this retrograde in Aquarius. Take this time to consider how to apply new and better ideas to your life.