Mars Enters Taurus

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Mars finally leaves Aries and enters Taurus on January 6th at exactly 4:27 pm CST. Mars spent six months in Aries, which is unusually long due to a retrograde. I know many of us have felt a lot of frustration over the last six months, hopefully that will change now. Mars will stay in Taurus until March 3rd with no retrogrades, yay! Mars in Taurus is all about slow and consistent action, so focus your energy on things you can stick to and matters that require commitment. Check-in with yourself and make sure you are making progress, though; Mars can sometimes be a little too slow in Taurus, so make sure you aren't putting things off.

Mars will square off with Saturn in Aquarius on January 13th, bringing us a few hurdles to jump over. We may be pushed to act a little more enlightened or fairly. Something may come up that makes us question whether our actions are selfish or considering the larger world. We may also be forced to commit to something big finally. Both planets are in fixed signs, so a stalemate situation could occur; remember, something or someone will have to give; make sure you act according to your higher ideals.

Our relationship to the material world is also changing. For example, our relationship with “stuff” is very upside down right now. Many of us had to buy more stuff, and on the other hand, many of us had to get rid of a lot of things because our lives have changed so drastically. These shifts and changes will be highlighted as Mars joins Uranus on January 20th. We may realize that we need to start doing things differently around this time because our expectations around what we find fulfilling are evolving. Be open to engaging with the world, especially the material world, in a new way.

The next two months will be a tricky balance of slow, consistent action and also accepting new changes into our lives. What will we choose to hold on to, and what will we let go?