Mars Enters Scorpio

On Saturday, October 30th, Mars enters Scorpio after spending two months in Libra and will stay here until December 13th. This will be a dramatic change for Mars as they go from adversity in Libra to a place of ease and advantage in Scorpio. Our primal instincts will be the driving force behind many of our actions as we face our deepest hopes and fears. It’s time to get honest about what is really motivating our behavior.

Mars will square off with Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius during its time in Scorpio, so expect situations where both sides refuse to budge. This will also force us to see where we are stagnating or lacking progress in our lives. Because deep down, we need movement and growth. Otherwise, we’re just stubborn, boring people that can no longer adapt.

The first planetary connection Mars makes is with Mercury on November 9th. We may be forced to face the deepest parts of ourselves as our minds turn to heavier issues. Embrace whatever thoughts and ideas arise around this time.

On November 10th Mars squares off with Saturn reminding us to stop being resistant to change. Also, whatever we’re oppressing inside of ourselves needs to finally come out.

Mars opposes Uranus on November 16th. Our turbulent emotions are signaling a deeper need of ours. Examine what in your life you should change to feel more secure.

Then on November 28, Mars connects with Neptune indicating that we need to have a major check-in with our feelings and intuition. Consider what an ideal life looks like to you and if you are truly heading in that direction.

Finally, on December 7th Mars squares off with Jupiter. Whatever unpleasant emotions we haven’t dealt with are affecting those around us. Notice how when you bring yourself down, you also take down others with you.

Feelings don’t just go away; they are a huge part of us, and denying them is only denying a massive piece of ourselves. So instead, let’s understand how they inspire our actions and move forward with more precise intentions.