Mercury Enters Scorpio

Mercury enters Scorpio at 5:35 pm CDT on November 5th and will stay here until November 24th. We now want to stop holding in what we want to say, so take that leap and get to the point already! Mercury previously spent a long time in Libra, where Venus ruled it; now Mercury will be ruled by Mars, infusing our thoughts and ideas with a little more passion and intensity.

It is presently a perfect moment to focus on precisely what we desire and create a strategy towards getting it. Be as specific as possible to arrive at the best plan of action. I only want to warn us not to get too overconfident in our approach; don’t become so strategic that you end up becoming manipulative; maintain your integrity.

Mercury is very active in Scorpio starting on the 9th when it joins Mars and squares off with Saturn. Frustrations or anger is very possible as there may be something we want to communicate, but larger forces are preventing us or making it difficult. Take the higher road, be patient.

Then on the 13th, Mercury opposes Uranus. Emotions may be clouding our perspective, so it may be best to get out of our current mindset. We also may become suddenly aware of something we didn’t notice before.

Mercury connects pleasantly with Neptune on the 18th, helping us better understand our feelings. Let them guide your thoughts and ideas; romanticize a little bit. 

Finally, on the 20th, Mercury squares off with Jupiter and connects with Pluto. We may have a lot of thoughts and feelings jumbled together that we want to communicate. Take your time and try to get specific about what’s going on, but also don’t hold back. This may be an important moment to say something important or make a powerful point. Don’t let it go to waste.

When we let our thoughts and feelings team up, we are much more likely to discover our authentic selves. I want us to uncover who we are deep down and embrace that person. Because when we do, we also find our direction and purpose.