Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Sagittarius

There will be a total Solar Eclipse, and New Moon in Sagittarius on December 4th at exactly 1:43 am CST. This New Moon is interesting because it will join Mercury soon after, indicating that a message or important insight may happen in the next few days, especially in the area of our charts that Sagittarius is in. The fixed star Facies will parallel Mercury, indicating that there may be a ruthlessness or intenseness to whatever we have to face. Mars also has a fixed star joining it, Agena, hinting that some of us may be the subject of gossip or rumors.

We should also keep in mind that Mercury is in Sagittarius, so whatever is instigated by this eclipse is probably more muddled or disorganized than we’d like. It’s like we’re missing a piece of the puzzle, and it’s too soon to know if it’s an important piece or not. And then, if you add in some intensified information, things may feel like they’re unraveling quickly.

Stay strong! Don’t talk yourself out of doing what you’re doing! It may feel like we’re a little lost in the woods at the moment, but it is super important that we stay on track and try to stay as focused as possible. 

So how can we keep it together right now? Concentrate on the bigger picture and our plan for getting to where we’re trying to go. Mars in Scorpio and Saturn in Aquarius currently have the most dignity astrologically. Let’s use them to find our bearings and remember to keep our more important goals in mind. You already have the strategy. You already understand the work or sacrifice involved. You just have to keep believing in yourself.

(Pro tip: Since this eclipse happens when many of us will be sleeping and isn’t visible for much of the world, pay special attention to any interesting dreams Friday and Saturday.)

ARIES RISING: You may receive some insight or information that shifts your worldview or spiritual experience. Consider reaching out to others and looking further into the matter.

TAURUS RISING: An issue with other people’s money or your general anxiety may arise. Don’t let it derail you; find people you can rely on.

GEMINI RISING: You may experience an unexpected insight about a close relationship. Be there for others in a way that honors your values or ethics.

CANCER RISING: You may receive news about your health or information that affects your daily routine. Face your fears or anxieties, and bring more joy into your life.

LEO RISING: Information relating to something you enjoy or a child may be disconcerting. Rely on your foundation and close relationships for support.

VIRGO RISING: An issue with a family member or your home may come to light. Reach out to your local network and work on being helpful.

LIBRA RISING: Profound information regarding siblings or neighbors may come your way. Use your assets to be supportive and focus on common interests.

SCORPIO RISING: News relating to your property or belongings may come up. Show others you are taking an active role and use your family for support.

SAGITTARIUS RISING: You may learn information that shows you how others see you. Withdraw, focus on your spiritual nature, and work on communicating more effectively. 

CAPRICORN RISING: You may uncover something that further isolates you. Keep your hopes and dreams in mind and focus on what you already possess or have supporting you. 

AQUARIUS RISING: A important message regarding your aspirations or friendships may come your way. Keep working toward your goals and on your persona. 

PISCES RISING: You may discover insightful information about your career or what you wish to achieve. Focus on what you believe to be true and take time to reflect by yourself.