New Moon in Scorpio

The New Moon in Scorpio happens on November 4th at precisely 4:15 pm CDT. Don’t be surprised to be surprised during this Scorpio New Moon. It is tightly opposed to Uranus in Taurus, indicating that life isn’t done throwing us curveballs. November is going to be a rough month, and this New Moon sets the stage. We are still grappling with our fears and letting them hold us back. Unfortunately, sometimes we can’t just push through something quickly, and right now, we are being forced to just sit with this energy for a while longer. 

On the positive side, the Sun and Moon are separating from a square to Saturn, so the worst is actually behind us in many cases. That doesn’t mean everything is smooth sailing now, but matters are working towards a resolution. I want us to consider that a certain situation that seems horrible to us right now might not actually be as bad as we’re assuming. 

Use this New Moon to collect yourself and prepare for some turbulent weeks ahead. I promise by the time we get to January, the situation astrologically will improve a lot. So hang in there, and remember, as always, to practice loving-kindness.

ARIES RISING: Begin to face your fears around intimacy. You only hold yourself back when you close yourself off to other people.

TAURUS RISING: Create deeper relationships. Others may be tired of only seeing one side of you.

GEMINI RISING: Establish a more meaningful daily routine. Learn how your emotions influence your physical health.

CANCER RISING: Find joy by connecting deeply with what inspires you. 

LEO RISING: Be more present at home or with your family. Begin to care deeply about what helps you feel grounded.

VIRGO RISING: Begin to be more honest and open in the way you communicate.

LIBRA RISING: Start to consider what assets you truly value and how you can protect what matters to you.

SCORPIO RISING: Begin to be more present and aware of your body. What radiates in us also radiates out towards others.

SAGITTARIUS RISING: Make time to be alone with yourself to reflect on your fears and emotions deeply. 

CAPRICORN RISING: Be more open in your friendships and alliances. Don’t avoid emotional connection.

AQUARIUS RISING: Begin to show a deeper side of yourself publicly. 

PISCES RISING: Incorporate what you believe more profoundly. Dig deeper into sources of knowledge.