Mars Enters Sagittarius

Mars enters Sagittarius on Monday, December 13th at exactly 3:53 am CST and will stay here until January 24th. Now our actions become less calculating but more energetic and outwardly focused, and it’s much easier for us to be flexible in our approach. Mars will be ruled by Jupiter, which will shift out of Aquarius and into Pisces over the next month. We will see how the time we spent considering the bigger picture now helps lead us to more wise and understanding actions.

The following month is a wonderful opportunity to act with courageous sensitivity. We should not assume that acting with heightened awareness means acting meek or mildly. Because sometimes, if we’re genuinely being sensitive, we may need to employ bolder tactics or methods. Consider the needs of the situation above all else.

Mars doesn’t make many planetary connections while in Sagittarius, which should help us focus on our intentions more. First, on December 24th, Mars will connect pleasantly with Chiron. Try to work on healing something within yourself as we will be more aware of how this hurtful situation fits into something bigger.

Next, on December 29th, Mars will connect with Saturn helping us to act in ways that have long-lasting effects. If there is an opportunity to show your commitment to something you care about, take it.

Finally, Mars will square off with Neptune on January 11th. Around this time, we might feel like we’ve lost our way, and it may be harder for us to act decisively. Use your intuition and instincts if you need more clarity

The next six weeks have a lot of potential, but we may end up lost if we give ourselves too much freedom. Don’t give yourself so much space to move in that your actions come off as unfocused or insincere. Keep in mind whether your behavior leads you closer to what you’re ultimately trying to achieve.