Mercury Enters Capricorn

Mercury enters Capricorn at precisely 11:52 am CST and will stay here until January 1st. The next three weeks are a great time to consider serious concerns and how they can be addressed. Our minds will be more focused on our goals, and we can see matters practically or realistically.

Now that Mercury is out of Sagittarius, where it was debilitated astrologically, our brains can finally get a little relief. Where before it tended to be difficult to pin down a direct line of thought, now we are much more able to set an agenda and follow it through. Concentrate on making plans; they will genuinely help us feel more organized and focused. Consider your 2022 goals and what you’d like to get out of the year ahead. And if you’re really plan avoidant, just take baby steps - make a tiny plan and try to stick to it.

Mercury makes several connections during its time in Capricorn. First, it squares off with Chiron on the 18th. Make sure to watch what you say as practical considerations may be causing us to neglect an unresolved emotional issue.

Then on December 16th, Mercury connects with Neptune making it an excellent day to communicate something serious with extra sensitivity.

December 28th is an important day as Mercury joins a retrograde Venus. Relationship issues may weigh heavily on our minds. How seriously we or another is taking a relationship may be shifting or adjusting. Consider communicating the level of commitment you desire.

Finally, Mercury joins Pluto on the 29th of December, compelling us to consider how we will get what we want seriously. We may have to consider being slightly more ruthless than usual.

Use this time to consider if there is something in your life you need to be taking seriously but aren’t. Is it because it’s not actually a big deal to you? Are you too comfortable sabotaging yourself? Figure it out, because that which is important to you deserves your thoughtful and sincere consideration.