Sun Enters Capricorn

The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st at exactly 9:59 am CST and will stay here until January 19th. The way we express ourselves and make decisions becomes a little more serious as Saturn becomes the Sun’s ruler forcing us to be more orderly and responsible for the next four weeks. We will really see that we need to be consistent and disciplined if we want to reach our goals or desires.

I want us to take this time to focus on being patient and thoughtful in a way that cares about and acknowledges other people and their suffering. Saturn is still in Aquarius, so don’t forget to zoom out and remember the bigger picture. If we tend to problem-solve right now, let's expand it to more significant issues as well. Avoid getting too interested in your personal problems.

The Sun is very busy in Capricorn starting on December 29th, when it squares off with Chiron. We may feel like we are not getting the respect we deserve; remember to advocate for yourself.

Next, on January 1st, the Sun starts the New Year by connecting pleasantly with Uranus, helping us see that the possibilities ahead are actually more realistic than expected.

Then on January 8th, the Sun joins a retrograde Venus. This may be a good day to renew relationships or ties to others as we realize what we are capable of in our relationships.

The Sun connects next with Neptune on January 10th, reminding us to take a moment to relax and loosen our grip on matters a little bit.

Finally, on January 15th, the Sun joins Pluto. We may deeply feel the need for control and security during this time, seeking drastic measures to get it. Be responsible, not power-hungry.

I know many of us are going through it, fed up or tired. And it’s starting to feel like we are useless, and there is nothing we can do. But you are not useless! This Sun, Saturn combination reminds us that if nothing else, we can always be a reliable presence for others and use our capabilities to lift each other up.