Venus Retrograde in Capricorn

Venus will station retrograde in Capricorn on Sunday, December 19th, and continue this motion until January 29th. Our relationships and financial situations will undergo a review and adjustment process that is only just getting started as Venus will stay in Capricorn until March 5th. Themes around stability and commitment will be unavoidable as we prune weak relationships to allow the strong to flourish. We will also use this time to rethink our relationship with institutions, so expect more labor strikes as we work to make this world a little more fair for everyone.

Relationships that were started at the beginning of November when Venus entered Capricorn may become difficult. Also, any issues in relationships or money that really got intense around that time will be tested. Many of us will begin to truly see where our secure relationships lie and where we need to let go.

Venus makes several important connections during its retrograde. Things get started on December 24th when Venus joins Pluto forcing us to confront what we are suppressing or repressing in our relationships. This planetary connection will also come up again on March 3rd, so the situation is far from over.

On January 3th Venus connects with Neptune giving us a chance to let go and remember to get in touch with our emotions.

Finally, on January 8th Venus joins the Sun. Around this time, we may see how we show up in relationships and understand that we can do better. This is a good moment to reignite or strengthen any ties to others.

Venus wants to join things together, and when ruled by Saturn, they work together to harden those bonds into something substantial that can endure over time. This retrograde will be a re-examination of the strength of our relationships, where we see how well the glue is holding up and when we discover cracks. It is obviously up to us whether we fix those cracks or whether we let the relationship break.