Jupiter Enters Pisces

Jupiter enters Pisces on December 28th at exactly 10:09 pm CST. Jupiter will stay here until May 10th and then return during its retrograde on October 28th. With Jupiter dipping in between Pisces and Aries all year, we can expect the deeper needs of humanity to clash with personal desires. It is up to us to develop our character and improve because when we create loving-kindness inside ourselves, others feel more at peace around us and generate more harmony and contentment inside themselves. This sort of domino effect is what we need to be focusing on as we go into 2022.

Our primary goal needs to be cultivating a peaceful mind. I know it isn’t fun or easy, but destructive thoughts, actions, and inner nature eat away at our energy and mental health. On the other hand, constructive emotions strengthen our spirit and remind us that our purpose is to spread kindness and compassion. When our minds are more at peace, our self-esteem improves, and we are calmly confident, acting with intention and without fear. 

There are four notable dates during Jupiter’s time in Pisces. First, on March 4th, the Sun joins Jupiter, helping us feel more optimistic. Our emotional intelligence may be incredibly high around this time, so use it to your advantage by making wise decisions.

Next, on March 20th, Mercury joins Jupiter. Pay special attention to any intuitive insights or creative ideas you have. This is also a great time to have a conversation that requires extra sensitivity or compassion.

Then on April 12th, Jupiter joins Neptune. It may be difficult to stay on track or focus on one thing. This is a good time to stop trying to control or micromanage matters for a bit.

Finally, on April 30th Venus joins Jupiter. Use this time to express your romantic feelings and deepen your relationships. We may feel very connected to those we care about.

I hope we use the next five months to cultivate more compassion and see others as precious beings worthy of our kindness and consideration. Consider how many people help you or that you rely on; consider those overlooked by society and need us to shine a light on them. Let us get better at taking care of each other.